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Monday, February 4, 2008

My sweet Matt girl!

(first, if you would like to know the answer to my own "?" about the "quiver being full" topic, scroll down to the previous post.) joining the band wagon...Michawn is so graciously and beautifully sharing her birth stories on her blog, Leah shared some of her's and Amanda (Bradford) has been sharing her's i thought i'd share mine....and would LOVE to hear the birth stories beautiful sister, Melissa, and Mer!! any other friends of mine that read this w/ kids.
Well, i told a little bit in my post titled "answering my on ?" about how i was feeling when she got here so i thought i'd share how she got here:)I was two weeks late. Connie had come down for the birth. My parents and his parents were going to wait until it was time. Well, the doc said, "two weeks... too long so lets induce". i had in my mind i was going to do it the "all natural way" w/ drugs:). well, they started the pitocin (sp?) and broke my water at about 7 am Tuesday, June 5, 2001. i got up to go to the bathroom shortly after and as i was standing there and all this water came out...i thought i was "usin' the bathroom" right there on the floor but it was just my water. scared me. i hollered at my mom and was like i didn't just use the bathroom on the floor so she got the nurse for me. anyway, no big deal. i got back to bed, the contractions started coming harder and consistantly. they gave me something to knock me out in between contractions. i would wake up from a dead "sleep" and start breathing in my nose out my mouth. Brian and the nurse would encourage me and tell me how much longer the contraction was going to last, tell me it's almost over, then i'd go out. one time i woke up and Connie, my mom, and Sue (brian's mom) were standing at the end of my bed and staring at me and talking about me (from my take on it). i took my hand and waved them out the door. it's funny now but not then...connie can tell that story better:) by that after noon i hadn't progressed much at all and they tried an epidural wich after MANY failed attempst didn't take but still had to pay for. brian almost passed out b/c he hadn't eaten anything.. i was siiting on the edge of the bed crying during the contractions and crying b/c they were sticking a needle in my back..he was standing in front of me holding my hands, after several minutes of all this stress his face went white and he almost went down on the floor but the nurse got to him first and then they started taking care of mom thought all the hustle and bustle was for me but it was for my sweet Brian. it had been about 10 hours of unnatural ungodly labor and i still hadn't progressed past maybe 6, the doc said, "enough is enough. lets do a c-section". i was like, "whatever just get her out." i think that was my exact words. but a main concern of mine was making sure i was going to be able to be in my sisters wedding which was about a week and a half away. so i made sure i was going to be able to be in it and they started prepping me for surgery. it was all very strange. brian was freakin' out but i didn't know it. there's a pic of him sitting on the floor of the hallway while they were getting me ready in the room. he looked pitiful. he was mad and scared - i had been in pain for almost 12 hours, all along thinking it was going to be one way and now it was totally well, by the time they let him in i was all smiles b/c they had given me some "numb me from my neck down" drugs and i was pain free and happy. when they were taking her out brian heard the doctor say, "there's two" brian was like "WHAT" then the doc said that the cord was wrapped around her neck twice. oh the plans of man and how they fail... i so wanted the "other kind of birth" but had it gone in that direction Matt girl may not be here w/ us...her heart beat never dropped while she was still in the womb so they had no idea that the cord was wrapped around her kneck... TWICE. wow. thank you jesus. anyway, one of the down sides to the c-section was when Matt was out, cleaned up and ready to be held i couldn't hold arms were strapped to the table. all i could do was look at her. i remember Mer. calling me while i was still in the hospital and crying as i told her i couldn't even hold Matt right when she was born. but my sweet brian was right there w/ me and got to hold her and he put her up to my face so i could kiss her. i was in rcovery for about 4 hours and there was a monitor in the room so i could see Matt....she screamed for 4 hours straight...angry she was i tell you! i'm going to stop here and tell my recovery in a different post.....


Connie said...

Something is SO very wrong with this picture. I was young and naive and self-centered at the time. I, too, was concerned about you being in my wedding. How stupid! I should have NEVER even asked you to be in my wedding considering the circumstances. You weren't just in it you WALKED DOWN THE ISLE one week after having a c-section. I'm sorry. You could have been "honorary matron of honor" and had a seat on the nice cushioned pew.

You left out my favorite part of the story. Steph doesn't like to be touched and throughout her deliver she would snap at her "sweet Bryan" "Don't touch me!" Well, Bryan found a song on-line or something that just repeated that phrase over and over and over in the most hilarious voice and he played it over and over until I almost busted a gut. You should post that song. Funny stuff.

Matt and Meredith said...

I enjoyed the details of Mattie's birth. Yeah, I was so upset for you because I knew the whole process was hard on you and I didn't like to see you go through a suprise like that. But, God is a good God and I'm so thankful He took care of sweet Mattie. Wish I could have been there. I'm ready to hear about Ryder now! (after you tell about the recovery with Mattie). : )

Matt and Meredith said...

PS> Those are cute pics of Mattie. Love the red hat. She's getting so big.

Steph said...

Connie....i wouldn't have sat on that cushioned pew even if you had threatened my're my only sister and i was bound and determined to be in your wedding. and honorary....nope...matron of honor without out the honorary is THE ONLY way it was gonna be.

and that song is still NOT funny... hahaha....anymore memories you can remember? i was a little drugged at the time:)