Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

thank you..and having a great time....

first, thank you to all of my friends who so passionately shared their heart regarding "bc". like i said in my post i do not see anything wrong w/ it whatever the "way" the Lord, you, and your husband choose if you choose a way. thru this blog i have found out two things....getting out of debt/vacationing and birthin' babies is a HOT topic. i love my friends! so glad we can have a lively convo and still be friends after everyone's said their piece.

now for vaca...eating, exercising, eating, relaxing. so needed this! thankful for my mom-in-law! matt had to go to the doc for her ear again. thank the Lord Sue could take her!! havin' fun! but there are a lot of old people's branson the mother ship for old folks!!!


Lexi said...
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Lexi said...

It is the mother ship for old people! I am cracking up right now because that is where Chris and I went on our honeymoon!!! Haha! We had a great time, because everywhere we went, if the "old people" found out we were on our honeymoon they had to tell the world and did special things for us and shared with us stories about their 40 some-odd year marriage. We also got to be first in line on every ride at silver dollar city, which was pretty awesome...all thanks to old people! Hehe!

Unknown said...

Vacationing and getting out of debt.....two of my favorite subjects. :) Please pray for our house to sell soon so we can do BOTH! ;)

Anonymous said...

Well now you've done it! You can disagree with me about bc, homeschooling, or whatever...but Branson "the mother ship of old people"? You've crossed the line! LOL! Love it, love it, love it! It's our favorite place to vacation (been there 6 times so far) and I honestly don't notice an abundance of old people when we're there. Maybe it's because of the type of activities we do when we're there, or maybe it's because I'm just too busy chasing around my herd of kids to notice them ;0P

Y'all have a great time, and come home refreshed and relaxed!

Amanda said...

When you are on vacation away from the "young people" I think it'd be great to be around "old people!" That's funny. Glad you are having fun!

AUNY said...

They have a couple of magic shows there. We've only been there twice. Both times Brock's grandparents happened to be there on vacation!

Unknown said...

OK, Steph, hurry back already. I keep checking your blog for updates!! :)