Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday's Feast


If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?
Africa...just to see how the real world lives - third world countries...we as americans don't have a clue.


Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?
FireFox; explorer


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you know about the history of your country? 2 sad to say

Main Course

Finish this sentence: Love is…someone who knows you...really knows you and loves you anyway.


Have you ever been in or near a tornado? yes. two weeks ago at youth camp we were evacuated to the to "worship center" a huge cement building. me and the other sponsor...a college girl i might add...herded our girls over there along w/ the rest of the camp. hung out in the cement stairwell for about an hour. brian and the guys were on the other end of the camp not worried a bit. they actually fell asleep while they were waiting out the storm. there were 3 funnel clouds that passed over us. craziness. i didn't fair too well, the girls were comforting me instead of me comforting them.

melissa tagged me now i tag...mer. and connie...yall up for it?


Barbara said...
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Gillian Day Hough said...

Hey Stephanie I was wondering if I could get Brian's email address. I we had talked about some stuff on facebook chat back in June but I am fasting facebook for July and I needed to get into contact with him. If you could would you mind emailing me his email or just get him to email me from his email. My email is Thanks so much.

Pace said...

Guess What! We're here in La on furlough. You guys want to meet up somewhere. Y'all are welcome to come down to my parents house in Rocky Branch. We will be around tonight, tomorrow, Wednesday, and will be headed home on Thursday. We can come by y'all's place on our way out on Thursday if that works for you. Let me know!
