Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 14, 2008

My accompliment

I had two goals for this weekend: laundry and to clean out Matt's room! I did it w/ Brian's help. I'm fixin' to tell on myself but who cares...i haven't done laundry except for necessities - since before our fam ski trip :O! sad huh! well, i divided up all of it and it came to 12 loads i think. i'm still working on it but as of right now i only have 7 more to go. I cleaned out mattie's room and ryder's too! i still have to go through his toys and closet but it's picked up and some of his bigger toys have been put up in the attic. I cooked friday night, saturday, and sunday!! I am bound and determined to not waste money on eating out. you can do so much more w/ that money!

it's sooo nice to have a clean house. i made myself coninue on and on until it was done. whew!

sports update as if any of you care a lick....the cowboys (sorry Mer.) and the colts are out. sad to see the super bowl champs of '07 lose.


Pace said...

Hey guys. I left a comment on a different on the other blog site under Ryder's picture slideshow but don't know if you ever got it. Anyway you can contact me at when you get a chance, you know, after the laundry and all.

Matt and Meredith said...

You go girl. I've been trying to clean up our place too. It's been getting to me. I've been going through Merrae's closet and finding ways to keep our whole place more organized since we are limited on space right now. Anyway, I'm finally back to blogging. I think I got burnt out for a while but I didn't realize it had been a week since I posted! Love ya. I'm ready for another post from you. Have you been reading Auny's posts? So cool.

Unknown said...

I got a bit upset about the Cowboy's game at one point and Abigail came to me "Mommy, what's wrong". I had to laugh, this is WHY I don't watch least hte games that "matter".

I have about 4 loads of laundry right now, so reading your blog makes me HAPPY to know that even though I feel like a major slacker...I do have reason (prego, work, a bit sick, sick child, dr's visit's etc) I don't have 12 loads to do:-)

Right now I have two children's room to clean because I had this brilliant idea where I'd move all the toys to one room and this baby would be in Abigails room. As of right now I'm a bit overwhelmed with the MESS that is only just TOYS. I mean, Abigail is doing much better at pickin gup her room. I'm just scared to find what she might have thrown in her toy box. Hugs

AUNY said...

That's okay. I always have at LEAST 6 loads of laundry to do at a time. You can always buy extra underwear to keep you going without washing. Haha!